Engaged 21st Century Learning =
Preparation for College
Preparing students for college is both daunting and complex. Students need to learn how to learn, how to think, and how to solve increasingly complicated problems in a world which will be more and more connected and the problems more interrelated. Today’s students will experience higher education, as well as careers, that are immersed in technology. Reading and lecture based learning are still a vital and necessary component of classroom instruction, but we believe that excessive whole group/lecture approach alone is not sufficient for what our children need for their future. Our faculty works toward a balanced 21st century approach to instruction where multiple methods are employed. Schools play a vital role in preparing students for their future by teaching the technology skills that will be needed in higher education and the workplace. We will continue to explore how we can all help our students develop a passion for learning, rather than a passing interest. When we can be successful in such an endeavor as developing that passion for learning, then we have given a student the keys to the critical thinking needed both in college and in life.
Westfield offers a rigorous curriculum to prepare every student for college. Advanced Placement courses are offered beginning in 10th grade. Our partnerships with Middle Georgia State University and Georgia Military College offer dual enrollment courses on the Westfield campus for students. Each year, Westfield graduates outperform their peers across Georgia and the nation on the Scholastic Aptitude Test, and 100 percent are accepted for college admission.

High Standards = Pursuing Excellence
Our school community holds high expectations and pursues excellence regarding the quality and nature of the Westfield experience.
A community of parents, faculty, alumni, Board members, special friends, and administrators unequivocally encourages a school environment that promotes the highest standards of integrity and character. Westfield guides students to lead healthy, purposeful lives in which each child can properly balance intellectual, spiritual, and physical pursuits. Our supportive and committed parents alongside a talented faculty nurture, mentor, and send our incredible students into the world fully equipped for life’s challenges.